Spirit of Fire RSVP
Spirit of Fire, September 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Don't miss out on the biggest event of the year! Get your Spirit of Fire tickets now for a night of fun and celebration.
Ticket sales close on September 12.
Holy Family is very mindful of the use of technology in its programs. We believe in using appropriate tools for any given task; that no single tool, device, or technology fits each goal; and with that technology, comes the need for sound responsible usage in a secure setting. Therefore, our school has the following components of technology: a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program; and cloud-based systems – Blackbaud, Schoology, Google Workspace, and more.
Holy Family requires that every student have an appropriate device to be able to perform their course obligations and activities, in school or at home. This device should meet these specifications and guidelines – see our BYOD Requirements. Should your student not have a device that adequately meets these criteria, Holy Family will do its best to provide a temporary loaned device when needed.
BYOD allows students to better follow course instructions in real-time, access their homework, supplement research, participate in various class interactions, and learn basic technology processes that they will use now and after high school, all without the restraints of owning programs or working on specific hardware platforms. Most of the applications necessary for classes are cloud-based and are accessible via a web browser. (Google Chrome is preferred.)
With the freedom of BYOD, there comes more responsibility. Students are expected to follow all guidelines, written, expressed, and or otherwise noted regarding the use of any electronic device including but not limited to mobile phones (smart or otherwise), tablets, computers, and any digital image/audio recorders/players. These specific guidelines are included in the Student Responsible Use Policy (RUP) within the Student Handbook, stored in Blackbaud Resources, or posted around the school.
Holy Family uses Cloud-based Google Workspace, which includes Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, etc., in conjunction with other programs, for applications and features that allow users to; create papers, sophisticated reports, and presentations; collaborate in real time (managed by staff); and perform all this anytime, anywhere regardless of platform or hardware.
Each student is provided a school email account using Gmail services. It is mandatory that each student monitor his/her email account, which is used by teachers and staff as the approved way to communicate and collaborate in conjunction with their Schoology accounts.
Student accounts include:
* Gmail- a school email account for all your school related work
* Google Calendar and Contacts
* On-Line storage (G Drive)
* On-Line Apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more)
* Schoology – Our Learning Management System (LMS) for coursework, assignments, etc.
* Blackbaud—our student information system (SIS) for grades, schedules and more
Spirit of Fire, September 21, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.
Don't miss out on the biggest event of the year! Get your Spirit of Fire tickets now for a night of fun and celebration.
Ticket sales close on September 12.